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IoT in Practice

It has been a journey, started from simple Arduino’s to detect the capacity of garbage bins to plotting the real-time activity of vehicles. Back then I’ve implemented IoT with a simple flat data ...

A Year (or two) in Software Development

Here we are again after a year (or two) of being a profesional software developer. I would like to highlight the terms developer, engineer, coder, programmer, etc. They do have different meaning as...

Optimizing Reflection for a Simple Object Mapper

Currently in a project that I am in uses Entity Framework to do - well all database actions. And one of which is was mapping database data to objects. All was well until the growing scale of the ...

C# Deferred Gotchas

Linq? IEnumerable? We use it everyday for good reasons, performance, abstraction, developer productivity and etc. You name it. Normally everything works well until the “gotchas” of Linq and IEnume...

Design Pattern Secrets

I hope the series did not teach you anything…. well in someway. The goal of the series was never to “teach”, actually the goal is pretty similar to the original “Gang of Four” book, which was to l...

Design Pattern Secrets - Behavioral

We are now on the last category of the Design Patterns which is the Behavioral Patterns, concluding this series. The “Secrets” of the previous two categories of this series can be found at: Cre...

Design Pattern Secrets - Structural

Continuing from the last post covering the Creational Design Pattern Secrets, now we will be covering the Structural Design Pattern Secrets. As said before this will be a quick catalog of informat...

Design Pattern Secrets - Creational

Design Patterns we know it, we use it, it is everywhere. If so happens you have not come across it, there are numerous blogs, videos, and books where you can learn about Design Patterns. I persona...

Working Around Array Covariance in C#

Photo by Emilie Christensen on Unsplash Covariance and contravariance are esoteric topics in the programming world. Upon hearing them for the first time we think of them as arcane knowledge with ...

Dynamic Binding in Azure Functions

Binding Attributes in a C# flavored Azure Function offers great functionality out of the box. Most of the time these declarative bindings are enough. The deal of having a declarative implementatio...

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