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Gabriel Ian E. Abel


My nerdy beginnings started from hacking games - ROMs to online MMOs. Without any knowledge to what programming is, I naively delve head first into the daunting realm of Assembly, DLL Injection, and Packet Sniffing which forced me to learn programming. I still remember today my first LUA code which led me to my profession today. It was horrible but it worked and most importantly it lit a passion that I would have never known.

Dare I say back then programming was simple with Assembly? Because what you think is what you code. It’s straightforward, linear, and concise. Today software are filled with abstractions after abstractions that quickly gets complex. And this blog’s purpose is to document the deep underlying relevant concepts of today’s software in a fresh random manner.


I am a Software Artisan focusing on the .NET ecosystem for the multi-platform and multi-cloud environments. My experience covers the software development lifecycle - from client ideas to production deployments, implemented with agility at the forefront and prioritizing successful outcomes over raw output. My interests revolves around designing software architectures, understanding what is to be agile and harmonizing the business with the software.

Knowledge Diagram

Below is the span of my technical know-how:

Knowledge Diagram


Wasteman (2019) - src

  • A solid waste management dashboard. It utilizes a Message Queue (MQTT) to receive data from the IoT-based devices. Data was cached on Redis and persisted on MongoDB. Hand-made algorithms (SPF & DFS) process the data and WebSockets enabled the transmission over the client (WasteMan-Client) in real-time.


WasteMan-Client (2019) - src

  • A single page application that consumes and visualize the data received and processed by the backend (Wasteman) through graphs, gauges, and maps.

Wasteman Client

MongoDB Value Tuple Serializer (2019) - src

  • A serializer and deserializer of a new type introduced in C# 7 (Value Tuple) for MongoDB.

Nuget Package


  • [1] G. I. E. Abel, P. J. Escarilla and J. A. Galarretta, “School Dismissal Aid and Verification System Using RFID with SMS Notification and Audio Announcer,” 2017.
  • [2] G. I. E. Abel and M. J. T. Ching, “Determination of Solid Waste Collection Routes by Graph Theory with Graph Minimization using Transitive Reduction for an IoT-based Garbage Bin,” 2019.
  • [3] G. I. E. Abel and M. J. T. Ching, “IoT-based Garbage Bin for Solid Waste Collection with Determination of Route Using the Shortest Path First Algorithm,” 2019.

“Make do with what you have”

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